1. What is an Error? Any incorrect human action that produces a problem in the system is caller error. 2. What is a Defect? Deviati...

Tutorial - Manual Testing

1. What is an Error?
Any incorrect human action that produces a problem in the system is caller error.

2. What is a Defect?
Deviation between expected behaviour to actual behaviour of the system is called defect.
3. What is a Failure?
The deviation identified by end-user while using a system is called a failure.

4. What is Software Testing?
It is a process of verifying are we developing the right product or not and also validating does the developed product is right or not.

5. What is Verification?
It is a process of verifying: Are we developing the right product or not. Also called as Static Testing.

6. What is Validation?
It is a process of validating: Does the developed product is right or not. Also called as Dynamic Testing.

7. Why does software have defects?

·       Incorrect requirements
·       Wrong design
·       Poor coding
·       Complex business logic
·       Complex technology
·       Work pressure
·       Frequently changing requirements.

8. What are Types of Software Testing Techniques?

·       Static Testing
·       White Box Testing
·       Black Box Testing
·       Grey Box Testing.

9. What are Levels of Dynamic Testing?

·       Component/ Unit Testing
·       Integration Testing
·       System Testing
·       Acceptance Testing 

10. What are Types of Testing Approach?

·       Positive - Traditional Testing Approach
·       Negative – Better Testing Approach

11. What are the Objectives of Testing?

·       To confirm whether the application is developed according to customer requirements or not
·       Finding defects 
·       To make sure all problems are resolved and close. 
·       Finally  testing  is  helpful  to  deliver  a  quality  product  and  risk-free  product  to  the customer.

12. Explain Software testing Principles?
Exhaustive principle: is impossible. 
·       Exhaustive Testing:   If you test functionality with all possible valid inputs and invalid inputs then it is called exhaustive testing. 
·       Testing everything is called exhaustive testing. 
Example: If we have a condition were a Salary Field Textbox should accept values only between 5000 – 50000 
If you check the salary field with 5000, 5001, 5002….50000 and 4999, 4998 etc. is called exhaustive testing. 
·       As exhaustive testing is impossible risk based testing is preferred (or) recommended...

Risk Based Testing:  Identifying the operations which are most likely to cause failures and then testing these functionalities on priority basis is called risk based testing.

Defect Clustering: The small number of modules or functionality may contain more number of defects. We should concentrate more on testing these functionalities.

Pesticide Paradox:  If prepared test cases are not finding defects, add/revise test cases to find more defects.

Testing shows presence of defects: We have to test an application with an intension of showing defects. For this negative testing is the best approach.

Early Testing: Testing should start as early as possible in the SDLC(Software Development Life Cycle).

Testing is context dependent:  We have to select or opt appropriate testing approach based on the type of application we are testing.

Absence of Errors is a Fallacy: Find and fix defects.  100% bug free app is impossible.
Fallacy = False Statement.

13. What is Static Testing?
Verifying if we are developing the right system or not is called as Static Testing.  It is also called as verification.

Static testing covers reviews and walk through.

14. What is Review?
Examining any project related work is called reviews.

15. What are different types of Reviews?

·       Management Reviews

·       Technical Reviews 

·       Code Reviews

·       Test case Reviews (Formal, Informal)

16. What is Formal Reviews?
If any review is conducted with a prior plan and by following proper documentation and procedures are called formal reviews.
Example:  Inspections and Audits are the best example of formal reviews.

17. What is Informal Reviews?
If any review is conducted without following any procedures and documentation are called as Informal Reviews.
Example: Walk-through, knowledge transfer sessions in the form of peer review

18. What are Objectives of Reviews?
Reviews are helpful to determine
·       Defects in requirement.
·       Defects in design.
·       Deviations in coding standards.
·       To confirm if the prepared test cases are enough to validate software
·       Reviews helpful improve the organization process
19. What is Dynamic Testing?
It is a process of checking if the source code and the application are working as expected. Also called dynamic testing or validation testing.

20. What are different Levels of dynamic Testing?
Dynamic testing will be carried out at 4 levels.

·       Unit Testing
·       Integration Testing
·       System Testing  
·       User Acceptance Testing.

21. What is Unit Testing?
A smallest separable portion in the source code of the application is called unit. (Functions, Procedures etc.) Testing conducted on these units to check if the code behind the units is working as expected or not is called unit testing.
It is also called module testing or component testing

22. What is Integration Testing?
Once all units are tested the programmers will integrate all units and check interactions among the units which are called as integration testing.
Note: Unit testing and integration testing is collectively called white box testing.

23. What is White Box Testing?
Testing conducted on the source code by developers to check if the source code is working as expected or not is called white box testing.

24. What are the need of white box testing?
·       As the source code is visible, finding and rectifying the problems is easy for developers.
·       The defects that are identified in white box testing are very economical to resolve.
·       To reduce the defects as early as possible white box testing is helpful.
·       To ensure 100% code coverage.
Note: White box testing is also called as glass box, structural, clear box testing. 

25. What is Black box Testing?
Testing is conducted on the application by test engineers or by domain experts to check whether the application is working according to customer requirements.

26. What are the need of Black Box Testing?
·       White box testing conducted by developer in a technical perception where as black box testing is conducted by test engineers with end-user perception.
·       Programmers will conduct white box testing in a positive perception whereas tester will conduct black box testing with a negative perception where there is a more chance of finding more defects
·       The more defects you identify results in a quality system.
·       White box testing will not cover Non Functional areas. As functional requirements are also very important for production system those are covered in black box testing.
·       The objective of white box testing is 100% coverage whereas the objective of black box testing is 100% customer business requirement coverage.
·       Black Box Testing = System Testing + User Accepting Testing which is called as Requirement Based Testing (or) Specification Based Testing.

27. What is System Testing?
Validating the Functional and Non Functional requirements of the system is called system testing.

28. What are the Types of System testing?
·       Functional system testing.
·       Non-functional system testing.

29. What is Functional system testing?
It will be conducted both in a positive perception and also in a negative perception.

30. What is Positive Testing?
Testing conducted on the application in a positive approach to determine what the system is supposed to do is called positive testing.
Note: Positive testing is helpful to check whether the customer requirements are justifying by the application or not.

31. What is Negative Testing?
Testing a software application with a negative perception to check what system is not supposed to do is called negative testing.
Note: Negative testing is helpful to find defects from the software.

32. What are types of Functional System Testing Approach?
·       Smoke Testing
·       Sanity Testing
·       Adhoc Testing
·       Integration Testing
·       User Acceptance Testing(UAT)
·       Interface Testing
·       Risk Based Testing
·       Re-Testing
·       Regression Testing
·       End – End Testing
·       Exploratory Testing
·       Monkey Testing
33. What is Smoke Testing?
It is a kind of quick test carried out on the application to determine whether the application is testable or not.

34. What is Formal Testing?
If we are testing the software application by following all preplan procedures and proper documentation then it is called formal testing.

35. What is Adhoc Testing?
If we are testing the software without following any procedures and documentation then it is called adhoc-testing. It is also called informal testing.

36. What is Risk Based Testing (or) Priority Based Testing?  Identifying the critical functionality in the system and testing it first 
Conducting testing in the same order of priority is called risk based testing or priority based testing.

37. What is Re- Testing?
Testing functionality again and again or testing functionality repetitively is called retesting.

38. When do you perform Re-testing?
·       Testing  a  functionality  with  multiple  inputs  to  confirm  if the  business  validations  are implemented or not.
·       Testing functionality on the modified build to confirm the bug fixes are made correctly or not.

39. What is Regression Testing?
It is process of identifying various features in the modified build where there is a chance of getting affected and retesting these features.
 The new functionalities added to the existing system or modifications made to the existing system or the bug fixes may introduce side-effects. Regression testing is helpful to identify these side effects.

40. What is End to End Testing?
Testing the overall functionalities of the system including the data integration among all the modules is called end-to-end testing.

41. What is Exploratory Testing?
Exploring the application and testing the functionalities
Understanding system, modifying existing test cases and executing those

42. What is Monkey Testing?
Testing conducted on an application unevenly or zigzag way with an intention of finding tricky defects is called monkey testing. 

43. What is Non-Functional System Testing?
Validating various Non-Functional aspects of the system such as user interface, user friendliness, security, compatibility, load, stress and performance etc. is called non-functional system testing.

44. What are different types of Non-Functional Testing?
UI/GUI Testing
45. What is UI or GUI Testing?
Validating if all user interfaces are professionally designed or not is called UI Testing.

46. What are the Check List of UI Testing?
·       Check if all basic elements are available in the page or not.
·       Check spelling of the objects.
·       Check alignments of the objects.
·       Check content displayed in web pages.
·       Check if the mandatory fields are highlights or not.
·       Check consistency in background color, font type and fond size etc.

47. What is Usability Testing?
Checking how easily the end user is able to understand and operate the application

48. What is Security Testing?
Validating whether all security conditions are properly implemented in the software or not

49. What are the Check List for Security Testing?
·       Check if the sensitive data such as password, credit card,  CVV  numbers are  getting encrypted or not.
·       Check browser navigation after logout  
·       Check direct URL access for the both secured and non-secured pages.
·       Check for session expiry  
·       Check view source code option for secured pages.  
·       Check for Authorization  
·       Check for Authentication  
·       Check cookies

50. What is Performance Testing?
It is a process of measuring various efficiency characteristics of a system such as response time, through put, load, stress transactions per minutes, transaction mix.

51. What is Load Testing?
Analyzing functional and performance behavior of the application under various load conditions is called load testing.

52. What is Stress Testing?
Checking the applications behavior under stress conditions is called stress testing in other words reducing the system resources and keeping the load as constant checking and how the application is behaving is called stress testing.

53. What is Recovery Testing?
Checking how system is able to handle some unexpected or unpredictable situations is called recovery testing.

54. What is Globalization Testing?
Testing if the application is having the provision of setting and changing languages, date- time format and currency etc.  If it is designed for global users.

55. What is Localization Testing?
Checking default languages, currency date and time format etc.   If it is designed for a particular locality of

56. What is Installation Testing?
Checking if we are able to install the software successfully or not as per the guidelines given in installation document

57. What is Un-Installation Testing?
Checking if we are able to uninstall the software from the system successfully or not

58. What is Compatibility Testing?
Checking if the application is compatible with the different software and hardware environment.

59. What is User Acceptance Testing UAT?
In software development, user acceptance testing (UAT) - also called beta testing, application testing, end user testing

60. What is Sanity Testing?
Sanity testing is a kind of Software Testing performed after receiving a software build, with minor changes in code, or functionality, to ascertain that the bugs have been fixed and no further issues are introduced due to these changes. The goal is to determine that the proposed functionality works roughly as expected. If sanity test fails, the build is rejected to save the time and costs involved in a more rigorous testing

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