Abstraction - Abstraction in C#


Abstraction - Abstraction in C#

Abstraction is a process of displaying only required information and hiding rest of the details.(Hiding Implementation)

To Abstract something we have to hide the details of something or to hide the details of something we have to abstract it.

Information hiding is the Goal, Abstraction is a Process

Example - A Person using a Mobile Phone need not know details about Motherboard or IC's (Integrated Circuit) inside it, To use it, we just need to know how to operate the Mobile phone by switching it on, we don't need to know how the internal parts are working.

Abstraction can be achieved in 2 ways

1. Using Access Modifiers

2. Using Abstract Class and Interface

Abstraction using Access Modifiers

Example - Class exposing required methods, properties using access modifiers to achieve abstraction.

using Abstraction;

using System;


namespace Abstraction


    public class Mobile


        private string brand;

        private string model;

        public string Brand


            get { return brand; }

            set { brand = value; }


        public string Model


            get { return model; }

            set { model = value; }



        public void MobileDetails()


            Console.WriteLine("Brand: " + Brand);

            Console.WriteLine("Model: " + Model);


        public void PowerButton()


            Console.WriteLine("To turn on the Mobile");


        private void MotherBoardDetails()


            Console.WriteLine("MotherBoard Details");


        private void ICDetails()


            Console.WriteLine("IC [Integrated Circuit] Details");




In the above code -

We have defined the properties, methods that are required to be exposed using public modifiers, and we are using private modifier to hide the details that need not be exposed to outside world, this way we have achieved abstraction by displaying essential information and hiding rest of the details.

The below methods are not required to be shown as this is internal part of phone (Private).

private void MotherBoardDetails()

private void ICDetails()


The below properties and methods are required to be shown (Public).


public string Brand

public string Model

public void PowerButton()

public void MobileDetails()


If we create instance of Mobile class , we can access Brand, Model, PowerButton and MobileDetails but not MotherBoardDetails and ICDetails as per the image below.